When to Use Dry Ice Blasting During a Vehicle Restoration

16 September 2024

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Restoring a vehicle — especially a classic — requires careful planning, precision, and the right tools at the right time. If you’re familiar with classic car restorations, then you’ll know that one of the biggest challenges you face is maintaining its originality. Often parts are irreplaceable, easily break and of course always happen to be costly to repair. Deciding where to draw the line during a restoration can be a thankless task, and If you’re not careful you land you with a classic car that is of no comparison to how it looked when it first came out of the factory. So what does dry ice blasting have to do with any of this? Well, having worked on many classic cars over the last 20 years, whether it be full rebuilds through our restoration sister company, or through our dry ice blasting customers who have come directly to IceBlastPro, we’ve seen exactly how dry ice blasting can be one of the single most effective and efficient ways to restore classic cars. However, it requires careful planning to ensure you're not unnecessarily wasting your time and budget carrying it out at the wrong point within your restoration.  So when exactly should you use dry ice blasting during your restoration process?

In this post, we’ll break down the key stages of a vehicle restoration where dry ice blasting proves invaluable and the benefits it offers compared to other traditional cleaning methods.

1. Car Restoration: Initial Assessment & Tear-Down Phase

Before you begin your restoration project, dry ice blasting can be the perfect place to start. It is at this stage before the restoration that you’d of course want to carry out a full assessment of your vehicle to produce that all important list of needs and wants to help you budget this project. Assessing a vehicle that has decades of grime, rust and dirt built up within all the hard to reach areas, doesn’t necessarily allow you to take an honest view of your vehicle. Dry ice blasting will remove and uncover your true vehicle condition, taking it back to a factory finish state, so you or your restoration team can properly assess your vehicle. One of our recent projects that reminds us of this point was a Porsche 911 that was shipped over from Italy. We ice blasted the vehicle as an initial step before they were to begin restoring it. Their intention was that the underpans would need stripping to bare metal. However, after ice blasting alone, the owner found that the underside was in excellent condition and no longer needed stripping. This meant that he saved himself a lot of money and a lot of time! You can read about another example of ice blasting away underseal on a car before restorative work on this 1979 Aston Martin V8.

Porsche 911 Halfway through Ice Blasting Process during restoration

Key Benefits of Using Dry Ice Blasting in the Initial Assessment & Tear-Down Phase of a Car Restoration:

  • Restores to Factory Conditions: Achieve a true factory finish by removing decades of grime, rust, and dirt, revealing the vehicle's actual condition for a precise and honest assessment.
  • Uncovers Hidden Issues: Identifies areas that may not need extensive restoration or parts replacement, potentially saving time and costs. For example, many restorations reveal that surfaces thought to require complete stripping are actually in better condition than expected.
  • Efficient Rust and Contaminant Removal: Eliminates surface rust from the undercarriage, suspension, and running gear, providing a clear view of which parts may need further rust treatment or replacement.
  • Cost-Effective Cleaning: Saves both time and money compared to manual cleaning methods, which can be labour-intensive and expensive. Dry ice blasting can reduce the overall restoration cost by avoiding prolonged manual scrubbing and chemical use.
  • Prevents Damage to Delicate Parts: Ensures that irreplaceable or delicate components are not damaged during the cleaning process, maintaining the vehicle's originality and value.

Why Should You Use Dry Ice Blasting Before a Restoration?

Starting with dry ice blasting early in your restoration process helps uncover areas that may require extra attention, reducing guesswork during disassembly. It reveals hidden rust or damage that could compromise the car's structural integrity, allowing for a more accurate assessment. Additionally, it eliminates the need to disassemble parts you plan to retain, as they can be effectively cleaned in situ. The non-abrasive nature of dry ice blasting also protects delicate areas from further damage, making it especially suitable for classic cars.

2. Car Restoration: Dismantling Phase & Renewing Components

Should you have already dismantled your vehicle, dry ice blasting could still be useful for you., You’re likely at a point where you are sat amongst an array of engine components, along with the chassis and suspension systems that are likely all covered in oil, grease and occasionally (or perhaps almost always!) surface rust. Dry ice blasting is extremely effective at cleaning every  component without the need to disassemble them further. Unlike if you were to sand blast, where you’d need to completely strip all components down to bare bones, with ice blasting, there is no need as you can leave everything as it is or in situ. There is no concern of sands or other product getting into places that would be detrimental to the vehicle. We of course still plug certain holes where necessary to eliminate the spread of dirt, but in most cases, you can ice blast it and get it back up and running immediately after.

Component Before and After Ice Blasting

Key Benefits of Using Dry Ice Blasting After Dismantling & During Component Cleaning:

  • Non-Abrasive Cleaning: Safely cleans metal, plastic, and other delicate components without causing wear or damage, preserving the original integrity of the parts.
  • Cleans Without Further Disassembly: Effectively removes oil, grease, and surface rust from components like the engine, chassis, and suspension systems without needing to strip them down further, saving time and effort.
  • Reaches Tight Spaces and Complex Parts: Penetrates crevices, tight spaces, and intricate parts, such as engine bays and transmissions, without requiring complete disassembly, ensuring thorough cleaning.
  • No Risk of Contamination: Eliminates concerns about sand or other products getting into sensitive areas, as no abrasive materials are used, protecting the vehicle's internal components.
  • No Drying Time Required: Unlike pressure washing or chemical cleaning, dry ice blasting leaves no water, moisture, or residue, allowing components to be reassembled and used immediately after cleaning, speeding up the restoration process.

Why Should You Use Dry Ice Blasting After Dismantling Parts in Your Car Restoration?

Using dry ice blasting after dismantling parts ensures that every component is thoroughly cleaned and ready for reassembly, eliminating contaminants like oil, grease, and rust. It allows you to accurately assess the true condition of each part before deciding whether replacement is necessary, avoiding unnecessary costs. Additionally, this method preserves the integrity of delicate components without the need for further disassembly, and it prevents any risk of contamination from abrasive materials, ensuring that your parts are in the best possible state for the next phase of restoration.

3. Car Restoration: Pre-Paint and Surface Preparation of Components

During a car restoration project, there is often the need to re-paint certain components, whether that be components from the engine bay or perhaps from the undercarriage. Though, before any part goes into the paint booth, surface preparation is of course essential. For many components dry Ice Blasting provides a thorough and final clean that removes old paint, light rust, and surface contaminants. This means, ice blasting before paint ensures you have a clean and ready to paint surface. It is however crucial to determine and assess whether the components are heavily corroded or not as additional steps may be needed with ice blasting. If you’re dealing with a little bit of corrosion, ice blasting will remove the surface rust, for you to then rust convert the rest, neutralising it ready for paint - not doing so would result in the rust penetrating through the new paint very quickly. If we’re talking about lots of deep set corrosion, then we would advise you to sand blast the components to remove that embedded corrosion, and then of course paint.  

Paint Removal for Fresh Lettering on Rocker Cover

Key Benefits of Using Dry Ice Blasting for Pre-Paint and Surface Preparation:

  • Provides a Smooth Surface: Effectively removes old paint, light rust, and surface contaminants without damaging or warping the underlying metal, unlike harsher methods such as sandblasting.
  • Eco-Friendly Cleaning: Uses no chemicals, eliminating the risk of chemical residues that could interfere with paint adhesion, ensuring a clean and safe surface for painting.
  • Removes Surface Rust: Clears light surface rust and prepares the metal for rust conversion, which is essential to prevent rust from reappearing under new paint.
  • Minimises Additional Preparation: Reduces the need for further surface prep by delivering a final, thorough clean, allowing components to be ready for painting more quickly.
  • Appropriate for Components with Minimal Corrosion: Ideal for parts with only light rust or minimal corrosion; however, if components are heavily corroded, additional steps such as sandblasting or rust treatment may be necessary.

4. Post-Restoration Cleaning & Protection

After  your  car restoration project  is done you’ll want to ensure your hard work is preserved for many years to come. This is where dry ice blasting combined with protective treatments and coatings like Lanoguard  can become the most crucial part to any restoration. Often at the end of a restoration, most components and areas are left oily and dusty where all the work was carried out. It may also be that you only had certain areas restored, having left other areas as it was, which are often still sat with thick grime and contaminants - leaving it to all look a little disjointed. Dry Ice blasting your car at the end of the restoration will delicately clean over any restored parts, while tackling any areas covered in grime, taking it back to an ultra clean factory condition. It would be at this point where we would apply rust protection treatments such as Lanoguard and cavity wax injection to ensure that when this vehicle is back on the road, that any road moisture and salts bead off, ensuring that all of the common rust prone areas are protected for the future.

Engine Bay Post Clean

Key Benefits of Using Dry Ice Blasting for Post-Restoration Cleaning and Protection

  • Provides a Final Touch-Up: Eliminates dust, residue, and contaminants that may have accumulated during the restoration process, ensuring a pristine and polished finish, particularly in hard-to-reach areas like engine bays.
  • Prepares for Protective Coatings: Ensures all surfaces are thoroughly clean and ready for the application of rust protectants like Lanoguard or cavity wax, which protect against future rust and environmental damage.
  • Restores Upholstery Without Damage: Cleans and refreshes car upholstery, whether original or refitted, including fabrics, leather, and vinyl, without using moisture or chemicals, leaving the interior spotless and odour-free.
  • Maintains Overall Restoration Quality: Provides a comprehensive clean that ensures all areas, both restored and untouched, have a consistent, factory-fresh appearance, eliminating any disjointed look.
  • Enhances Longevity of the Restoration: By combining dry ice blasting with protective treatments, it adds an additional layer of preservation, helping to keep the vehicle in top condition for years to come.

5. Regular Maintenance for Long-Term Care After a Car Restoration

Even after your restoration is complete, regular maintenance of your car's engine bay and undercarriage is essential to preserving its longevity and beauty. Dry ice blasting can be employed periodically to clean the undercarriage and key components, helping to keep your restored vehicle in top condition. The frequency of dry ice blasting will depend on how often you drive your vehicle and whether it is exposed to harsh conditions or showcased at events. Generally, we recommend dry ice blasting the undercarriage every 2-3 years, depending on the climate and driving conditions.

Additionally, it is crucial to top up rust protection every 12-18 months, which can often be done without needing to re-blast the entire vehicle. Regular visual inspections are vital; if you notice any areas of concern, we encourage you to send us a photo or bring your vehicle in for a professional assessment. This proactive approach will help ensure your vehicle remains in pristine condition for years to come.

Is Dry Ice Blasting Good for Vehicle Restorations?

Absolutely! Dry ice blasting is an invaluable tool at various stages of the vehicle restoration process, offering numerous advantages that make your restoration smoother, more efficient, and more thorough:

  • Preserves Original Components: Unlike abrasive methods such as sandblasting or wire brushing, dry ice blasting safely cleans without causing wear or damage to sensitive parts, paint, or delicate surfaces, helping maintain the vehicle’s originality and value.
  • Eco-Friendly and Non-Toxic: The process uses no harmful chemicals or solvents, making it safe for both your vehicle and the environment. It's an ideal choice for restorers who are conscious of their ecological footprint.
  • Saves Time and Labour: Significantly reduces the time and effort spent on manual cleaning, like scrubbing or buffing, delivering faster and more effective results. This makes it a cost-efficient solution, especially for larger restoration projects.
  • No Residue or Drying Time: Unlike pressure washing, dry ice blasting leaves no moisture, water, or chemical residues behind, allowing you to immediately move to the next stage of restoration without waiting for surfaces to dry.
  • Reaches Inaccessible Areas: Effectively cleans nooks, crannies, and tight spaces that are often difficult to reach with conventional cleaning methods, all without needing to disassemble parts further.
  • Prepares Surfaces for Next Steps: Provides a clean surface free of contaminants like grease, dirt, and light rust, which is ideal for pre-paint preparation and applying protective coatings, ensuring better adhesion and a longer-lasting finish.
  • Extends Longevity Post-Restoration: Regular use of dry ice blasting as part of ongoing maintenance helps keep your vehicle in top condition, protecting against grime and environmental factors that can cause deterioration over time.
  • Gentle on Upholstery and Interior: Can be used on interior fabrics, leather, and vinyl without introducing moisture or harsh chemicals, leaving the vehicle’s interior fresh, clean, and odour-free.

Dry ice blasting is a versatile and highly effective technique that enhances every stage of your restoration, from initial assessment to final protection, ensuring your vehicle looks its best and remains well-preserved for years to come.

Should I Use Dry Ice Blasting for My Car Restoration?

Absolutely. When applied at the right stages, dry ice blasting can significantly enhance the quality and efficiency of your car restoration. Whether you're undertaking the initial clean-up or preparing the surface for final protective coatings, dry ice blasting helps restore your vehicle to its former glory—safely and effectively.

For both classic car enthusiasts and professional restorers, incorporating dry ice blasting at key points in the restoration process saves valuable time, avoids the use of harsh chemicals, and protects the original materials and surfaces. It also provides a superior, high-quality finish that is difficult to achieve with conventional methods, ensuring your vehicle looks immaculate and remains well-preserved for years to come.

Ready to Enhance Your Car Restoration with Dry Ice Blasting?

Don't leave the quality of your restoration to chance. Whether you're a classic car owner looking to maintain your vehicle's originality or a restoration professional aiming for the highest standards, dry ice blasting offers a safe, efficient, and effective solution at every stage of the process.

Contact us today to learn more about how dry ice blasting can transform your restoration project, or schedule a consultation with our experts to discuss your specific needs. Let’s bring your vehicle back to life with the care and precision it deserves!

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