Will Dry Ice Blasting Remove Rust? The Truth About Rust Removal

11 February 2024

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Rust – it's the nemesis of car owners across the UK, particularly those with classic or cherished vehicles. In the battle against rust, dry ice blasting has emerged as a potential hero. But does it really live up to the hype in rust removal? This article dives into the effectiveness of dry ice blasting in tackling rust, separating fact from fiction.

Understanding Rust and Its Challenges

Rust occurs when metal is exposed to moisture and oxygen, leading to corrosion. For car enthusiasts, rust is not just an eyesore; it can significantly damage the vehicle's integrity. Removing rust, therefore, is a crucial aspect of car maintenance.

Before and After Surface Rust Removal and Rust Treament

What is Dry Ice Blasting?

Before assessing its effectiveness against rust, let's recap what dry ice blasting entails. It's a method that uses solid carbon dioxide (CO2) pellets, which are blasted at high speeds onto a surface. Upon contact, these pellets sublimate (turn from solid to gas), lifting dirt and contaminants away without abrasion.

Dry Ice Blasting and Rust Removal

  • Surface-Level Rust: Dry ice blasting is highly effective at removing surface-level rust. The process can clean the rust off without damaging the underlying metal, making it ideal for treating early stages of corrosion.
  • Deep-Set Rust: For deeper rust that has penetrated the metal, dry ice blasting alone may not be sufficient. While it can remove the surface corrosion, additional treatments might be necessary to fully restore the metal.
  • Preventive Care: Post rust removal, dry ice blasting can be an excellent preventive measure. Regular cleaning can prevent the accumulation of moisture and contaminants that lead to rust.

Watch Dry Ice Blasting remove the surface rust here.

Is Ice Blasting Good For Rust?

Ice blasting is the ideal preparation for rust protection. Unlike jet washing, which requires drying time, or wire wheeling, which is messy and time-consuming, ice blasting provides a clean, dry surface ready for treatment immediately. This ensures a superior finish and longer-lasting protection.

Comparing with Traditional Methods

Traditional rust removal methods often involve abrasive techniques or chemicals, which can cause further damage or harm the environment. Here are some common traditional methods and their drawbacks:

Wire Wheeling/Brush: This method uses a wire wheel or brush to mechanically remove rust. It's time-consuming, verymessy, and can further damage the surface if not done carefully. Additionally, it requires extensive cleanup afterwards.

Sandblasting: While effective at removing rust, sandblasting is abrasive and can damage the underlying metal. More importantly, sandblasting requires the components to be removed from the vehicle, as it cannot be done in situ like ice blasting. This adds significant cost and complexity to the process, making it an expensive alternative.

Chemical Rust Removers: These often involve using harsh chemicals like brake cleaner, which are abrasive and potentially harmful to the user and the environment. They can leave residues that need to be washed off, adding more steps to the process.

Grinding: Similar to wire wheeling, grinding can remove rust but also risks damaging the metal surface. It's labour-intensive and can generate heat, potentially warping thin metal sections.

Dry ice blasting offers a safer, more eco-friendly alternative to these traditional methods. It effectively removes rust without damaging the underlying metal or creating harmful residues.

Benefits of Choosing Dry Ice Blasting for Rust Removal

  • Non-Abrasive: Unlike sanding or grinding, dry ice blasting won’t wear down the metal, preserving the car’s structural integrity.
  • No Secondary Damage: The lack of abrasive materials means there’s no risk of scratching or harming the surrounding areas of the car.
  • Environmentally Friendly: As a chemical-free process, it’s a more sustainable choice for rust removal.
  • Surface Preparation: Effectively removes rust and prepares the surface for further treatment.

Lanoguard Application Centre

At IceBlastPro, we are proud to be a Lanoguard Application Centre. After removing rust with dry ice blasting, we apply Lanoguard to provide an extra layer of protection against future rust and corrosion. Lanoguard forms a durable, water-repellent barrier that shields your vehicle, ensuring long-lasting protection.

Learn more about our rust protection services and how Lanoguard can benefit your vehicle.

Enhanced Protection with Lanoguard

Long-Lasting Barrier: Lanoguard creates a resilient barrier that prevents moisture and contaminants from reaching the metal, significantly extending the life of your vehicle's components.Safe for All Surfaces: It can be applied safely to various parts of your vehicle, including the undercarriage, wheel wells, and engine bay, without causing damage or discolouration.Easy Maintenance: Vehicles treated with Lanoguard are easier to clean and maintain, as the protective layer prevents dirt and grime from adhering to the surfaces.

How Long Does Lanoguard Take To Dry?

After applying Lanoguard, your vehicles can be driven after 24-48 hours, though it will take one week to fully cure, ensuring maximum protection. When your vehicle is with us for Lanoguard application, it will be kept in a secure and dry facility while the treatment dries.

Optional Rust Treatment

Starting from £180, we offer rust treatment for problem areas. Our services include expert welding, repair, and painting for severe issues in our fully-equipped bodyshop. This ensures that even the most damaged parts of your vehicle receive the attention they need to be fully restored and protected.


Dry ice blasting is a powerful ally in the fight against rust. It offers a safe, effective, and environmentally friendly solution, particularly for surface-level rust. For car owners in the UK looking to maintain their vehicles in top condition, dry ice blasting is definitely worth considering as part of a comprehensive rust prevention and treatment strategy. To further enhance protection, consider our Lanoguard application services to keep your vehicle rust-free for longer.

Visit our rust protection page to learn more about how we can help you preserve your car.

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